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Approximately fifty feet under the cross is where the tomb is located.
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Geoffrey of Monmouth Preface
Who was the real Henry Blois?
Henry Blois at Glastonbury
The prophecies of Merlin from the HRB
Henry Blois and the Vita Merlini
Henry Blois and the Gesta Stephani
Henry Blois as Geoffrey of Monmouth
The Interpolation into Orderic’s book XII
William of Newburgh
The Galfridian Oxford charters and the Bishop of Asaph
Abbot Suger
Alfred of Beverley
Henry Blois and the Meusan Plates or Mosan Plaques
Henry Blois, King Arthur, Archivolt Modena
The 601 A.D. charter regarding Ineswitrin and Glastonbury Abbey
The Arthurian Annals
Pytheas and the Island of Ictis or Ynis Witrin in Devon
The Prophecy of Melkin
De Inventione, Waltham Abbey and Montacute. The connection between Father William Good and the prophecy of Melkin
Eadmer’s letter
Henry Blois’ interpolations and impersonation of Geoffrey of Monmouth
Geffrei Gaimar and the L’estoire des Engles
Caradoc of Llancarfan
Wace and the Roman de Brut
The Roman De Brut
The Gesta Regum Anglorum by William of Malmesbury
De Antiquitate Glastonie Ecclesia
Gerald of Wales (1146-1223) on the discovery of King Arthur’s tomb
Abbadare in the Prophecy of Melkin and Ineswirin as the Island of Ictis
Henry Blois in Rome and Magister Gregorius, De mirabilibus urbis Romae
The Merlin prophecies by John of Cornwall
The Grail legends
Vera Historia de morte Arthuri
Marie of France
Chronology of events concerning Henry Blois and the Matter of Britain
The missing Chapter 29 of the Acts of the Apostles
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